How Much Does an 0370 Number Cost to Call on EE?

Do you want to know about the cost to call an 0370 number on EE? If so, you have come to the right place. You will find out all the information about 0370 number call costs on EE here. Read it till the end to find out how to get your own 0370 number instantly!

Part 1: Is It Free to Call 0370 on EE?

Many people are confused about whether it is free to call 0370 numbers on EE. Actually, the fact is that 0370 numbers are NOT free to call from any network.

However, 0370 numbers are regarded as normal landline numbers like 01 and 02 codes, without being limited to any geographical location.

Therefore, if you have free minutes in your EE account for calling landline phones, you will be able to call an 0370 number for free on EE.

You should check your EE plan and the free minutes balance to know if you can make the call to 0370 number for free.

Part 2: How Much Does It Cost to Call 0370 Numbers on EE?

The cost to call an 0370 number on EE is the same as calling any other landline phone. Here are the prices to call 0370 numbers on various EE plans:

Pay Monthly Customers

For 4GEE and 4GEE Max plans, you are given unlimited minutes to call landline phones. Therefore, calls to 0370 numbers will not be charged for these plan holders.

For 4GEE Essential and SIM only plans of EE, you are given certain free minutes to call landline phones. Calling within these limited free minutes to 0370 phone codes will not invoke any charges.

However, if the call costs surpass these minutes, normal landline call rates will be charged, at the rate of 50p per minute.

Pay as You Go Customers

For PAYG packs, people generally get some free minutes and calls to an 0370 number is included in these free minutes too.

If the calls are made outside of these free minutes, it is chargeable at the rate of 30p per minute.

Also Read: How Much Does It Cost to Call 0370 Numbers on Three?

Part 3: Can I call an 0370 Number from Outside the UK?

Many people are curious if they are able to call an 0370 number when traveling abroad. Yes, it is possible to call 0370 numbers from abroad just as you would call any ordinary landline number.

However, in order to call an 0370 number from outside the UK, you will need to add the UK country code (+44), and omit the initial zero, making the code to be (370), followed by the seven digit phone number.

Further, calls to 0370 number from outside the UK will attract an exorbitant international fee, so you should check the call rate with your network provider.

Part 4: Get Your Own 0370 Number

If you want your own 0370 number, you can get it instantly from WeNumber.

WeNumber is one of the UK virtual phone number providers that gives you your own 0370 number for business or any other purpose.

The pricing plans for 0370 numbers from WeNumber are cheaper than any other that you will find online or offline. That is not even the best part.

The 0370 numbers from WeNumber come with a range of additional premium services, making your experience near about perfect.

Wrapping Up

If you wanted to find out about the 0370 number call costs on EE network, you now have all the information you need. You even know how to get your own 0370 number, so you should have it now before your favorite option is taken by someone else!