How Much Does It Cost to Call 0370 Numbers?

Are you searching for 0370 numbers cost? Here is all the information you need about how much does it cost to call an 0370 number from any provider in the UK.

You can refer to this guide when you want to calculate how much it costs to call an 0370 number? You can also find out if getting an 0370 number can be beneficial for your business or not.

Read it till the end to make sure you do not miss anything:

Part 1: Are 0370 Numbers Free to Call?

No, 0370 numbers are not free to call. There are many people who get confused between the 0370 numbers and the freephone numbers (which are 0800).

While 0370 numbers are not free, they are only charged as ordinary landline phones. Further, if you have free minutes in your account, you can call 0370 numbers for free and the minutes will be deducted from your balance.

Similarly, many landline phones have free call quota on weekends and in the evenings. If you are calling an 0370 number during this time period, it will attract no cost at all.

Part 2: What is the Cost to Call 0370 Numbers?

0370 numbers are treated as landline numbers but unlike most landline codes, 0370 numbers are not linked to any particular area.

Therefore, anyone can call the 0370 numbers from anywhere in the UK, and they will be charged as if they are calling a local landline number.

Let me start by telling you about the call costs for calling an 0370 number from a mobile phone:

Cost of Calling 0370 Number from Mobile Phones

Provider Using Free Landline Minutes Quota Excluding Free Landline Minutes Quota
ASDA Mobile Free 8p/m
Delight Mobile Free 3p/m
EE Free 30p/m
GiffGaff Free 10p/m
Lebara Mobile Free 19p/m
LycaMobile Free 15p/m
O2 Free 35p/m
Tesco Mobile Free 25p/m
Three Mobile Free 3p/m
Virgin Mobile Free 26p/m
Vodafone Free 30p/m

What if you want to call the 0370 numbers from a landline phone? You can find the costs for that below:

Cost of Calling 0370 Number  from Landline Phones

Provider Approximate peak cost
BT 12p/m + 21p setup charge
TalkTalk 13.5p/m
Sky 9.5p/m
Virgin Media 12p/m


Don’t Miss: How Much Does an 0370 Number Cost to Call on EE?

Part 3: Buy Your 0370 Numbers

If you pay a lot of attention on your business service management, and if you wonder ‘how can I get an 0370 number for my business?’, you can find the answer at WeNumber.

WeNumber is an online phone number provider that lets you choose your own 0370 number. There is a range of premium services that you get along with the number.

All that comes with a cheap pricing plan, that puts the extravagant costs of other network providers to shame.

You can have your own 0370 number through your web browser right away if you choose WeNumber.

Due to the quality of service and the availability, WeNumber serves countless businesses all over the UK. You can add your business to the list as well, by having your own 0370 number!

Wrapping Up

If you were looking to find out how much it cost to call 0370 numbers, you have found the perfect answer here. 0370 numbers definitely help you reset your business in a better way.

Now you can use the information that I provided here to calculate any call cost that you want. Not just that, if you are a business owner, you can have your own 0370 number and save considerable costs for your customers.