How Much Does an 0845 Number Cost to Call on Three?

Are you looking for call charges for calling an 0845 number on Three? If that is so, you are in the perfect place. You will find out exactly how much it will cost to call a 0845 number from anywhere in the UK from Three network.

Part 1: All You Need to Know About 0845 Numbers

0845 numbers are basically for companies’ customer care as well as information communications. These numbers are non-geographic numbers as they can be used and present anywhere across the UK.

0845 numbers come at a higher charge as there are some premium rates added to the pricing plans of these numbers (about which you are going to find shortly).

Lately, telecom regulations do not allow the company to use the 0845 number for their customer support lines, due to the extra charges that customers have to pay in order to call at these numbers.

However, these numbers can still be used for the purpose of providing pre-sales information, or premium services such as conference calls or travel ticket booking.

Part 2: Are Calls to 0845 Numbers Free on Three?

No, calls to 0845 numbers are not free on the Three network. In fact, no network will offer you free calls to 0845 number.

Even if you have free minutes in your Three account, those minutes cannot be utilized for calls to the 0845 number.

This is because of the cost of calls to 0845 numbers, which is split into two parts. Let us find out about these call costs:

Part 3: How Much Does It Cost to Call 0845 Numbers on Three?

When it comes to calling a 0845 number on Three, the prices are divided into two segments.

The first price is the access charge that the caller needs to pay for accessing the Three network. These charges are profited to the network provider, i.e. Three.

In general, Three charges an access charge of 45p per minute. Therefore, if you are making a two minute call, you will be paying an access charge of 90p, paid to the Three network.

The second charges are the service fee charges, which are paid to the organization that you are calling. These charges are a way for the company to take revenue for providing their services to customers.

The services charges can be anything from 0p to 10p, based on the company. However, according to regulations, any company’s information line has to disclose the service charges to you beforehand.

Cost of Calling 0845 Number on Three

Access Charges Service Charges
45p per minute 0-10p per minute


Also Read: How Much Do 0845 Numbers Cost to Call on Vodafone?

Part 4: What Is the Cost of Calling 0845 Numbers Outside of the UK on Three?

When you are calling an 0845 number from abroad through the Three network, the costs are charged on an International basis.

If you have a Three interconnect plan, you might be allowed discounted charges on 0845 numbers. If your Three account has no interconnect plan for international numbers, charges to call 0845 numbers can run very high.

Therefore, if you are calling an 0845 number from abroad, you should check about your plan details first.

Part 5: Buy Your Own 0845 Number

If you are a small business owner or a decision maker at a large scale company, you can get your own 0845 number at WeNumber.

WeNumber is a virtual phone number provider that provides you with a phone number of your choice.

No matter whether you want a 0845 number or a freephone 0800 number, WeNumber is the best way to go.

Getting a number through WeNumber means that you get jaw-dropping discounts on your company’s telephone plans and bills.

Not just that, there are a lot of other premium services that you get to enjoy with your own 0845 number!

Wrapping Up

If you wanted to find out about the call cost to 0845 numbers on Three, you now have all the information on that. You even know how to get your 0845 number. Check the premium 0845 numbers on WeNumber now!