0114 Area Code

0014 is a 3-digit geographical number (excluding zero) used primarily in Sheffield and some nearby areas. Majority of calls that have 0114 in their beginning come from these areas. These numbers are important because of the large number of daily calls that use this.

But what is exactly the point of discussing this area code? Why is this so popular? And what has it got to do with local business owners in the Sheffield area? Well, keep reading to find the answers.

Part 1: What Is the 0114 Area Code?

The correct format of Sheffield landline numbers is (0114)-XXX-XXX where 0114 is the dialing code for Sheffield area and x represents the 6-digit local number.

The Sheffield Calling code divided the land between South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, the Humber and East Midlands of the UK. And 0114 phone code is used in the following areas:

  • Holmesfield
  • Broomhill
  • Sharrow
  • Ecclesfield
  • Woodseats
  • Meadowhall
  • Aston Common
  • Oughtibridge
  • Woodhouse
  • Intake
  • Bradfield
  • High Green
  • Attercliffe
  • Stocksbridge
  • Ranmoor
  • Wadsley Bridge
  • Mosborough
  • Greenhill
  • Sheffield
  • Beauchief

The dialing code of the Sheffield area wasn’t always 0114. Do you know what was the numbering system before the current numbering sequence was put in practice?

Well, the codes that we use today were decided in 1995. Before PhONEday, the alphabets were used in the numbering system.

The previous code of Sheffield was SH2 which when intercepted in letters becomes 0742. It was used before 1995. Then, revisions happened and it was changed to 0114.

Part 2: Dialing 0114 Area Code Within the UK and From Abroad

If you want to dial Sheffield phone number (0114) within the UK, you need to follow the below instructions:

  1. First, enter the 0114 dialing code.
  2. Then, dial your desired phone number.

So, the final format for dialing the 0114 area code within the UK is 0114 XXX XXX.

If you are calling from abroad, you will have to follow a different protocol. That is:

  1. The call is going to start with 00 as this is the international access code.
  2. Then, add the country code i.e. 44 for the UK.
  3. Lastly, enter the Sheffield area code without the initial zero i.e. dial 114 instead of 0114.

So, the final format for dialing the 0114 area code from abroad looks like this: 00 44 114 XXX XXX.

Part 3: How Much Does Calling an 0114 Area Code Cost?

The calling cost in the Sheffield area for landline numbers ranges between 5p-10p and 10p-20p per minute in off-peak and peak-hours respectively. For mobiles, the services can be availed at 40p-50p per minute charges.

These rates are not necessarily the same for all network companies. If you are conscious about your calling charges, you should call your telephone service provider and confirm the latest calling rates.

What Are Virtual Sheffield Numbers and How Can You Get One?

Do you know how costly it can be to manage an international business? Think how difficult it would be for a businessman if he has to keep multiple phone numbers to remotely control his business from the other side of the world. How expensive and uneconomical would that be?

This is where virtual numbers come in. You can use these virtual numbers for personal and professional purposes. Do you know you don’t even need any extra hardware to use virtual phone numbers?

Yes, it’s true. The virtual area numbers work alongside the landline. The virtual numbers can also be operated from mobile phones making them more suitable for use.

So, how can you acquire a 0114 area code virtual number for your business or for keeping in touch with your loved ones in the Sheffield area. WeNumber has got a solution for that.

At WeNumber, we provide 0114 area code numbers with high-quality service at the most affordable prices. Don’t forget to check more info about other area codes in the UK as well.

Bottom Line

To sum, the 0114 area code belongs to the Sheffield region. You can get a virtual number by WeNumber to empower your communication and give your business a completely professional outlook.

Do you know that a virtual number can collect more than six times more calls than a local number? Isn’t it amazing? If you think the same, it is just the right time for you to buy your 0114 area code from WeNumber.