01905 Area Code

The 01905 area code comes from Worcester, in the West Midlands region of the UK. It also covers many surrounding locations. On the other hand, a call with the Worcester area code could also come from a virtual phone. 

Below you will find all the relevant information on this area code and what it means to use it on a virtual line.

Part 1: What Is 01905 Area Code?

Worcester and its surrounding area have the 01905 area code. With a population close to 200,000, the Worcester area code is used quite often. 

But not all the calls using this area code actually come from the city. Sometimes it’s a business that try to get local clients remotely.

The Worcester area didn’t always have this code. At first, it was formed by two letters that represented the name of the place. When there were no more available new numbers for the area, it was changed to a 4-digit area code. 

It was during the event called PhONEday, in 1995, that Worcester got the 01905 area code. Another change was making the local number 6 to 7 digits. Today, the format of a Worcester phone number is 01905 XXXXXX.

Part 2: How to Dial 01905 Area Code Within and Outside of the UK?

When you need to dial Worcester, you must follow the same rule that applies to any geographic number in the UK. If you are calling from within the UK, the only thing to do is dial the 01905 area code first.

If you need to reach a Worcester contact number and you’re abroad, these are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Start by calling the international access code.
  2. Then enter 44, the country code for the UK.
  3. Dial the 01905 area code, minus the 0.
  4. Finish by entering the local number.

Part 3: How Much Does Calling 01905 Area Code Cost?

Calls to a Worcester phone number have the same cost as any other geographic number in the UK. It all depends on the device you are calling from.

If you call from a landline, the cost is around 10p per minute. But it can also be free between certain hours, usually in the evening or on weekends. You can get that information from your provider.

When you call from a mobile number, costs depend on the contract you have with your provider. The usual cost is between 10p and 40p per minute. But most contracts include free calls and reduced costs. 

Sum Up

What you need to know if you want to reach someone in Worcester is that it has the 01905 area code and costs are those of a normal landline. But you may also be interested to know that there are virtual phone numbers that have the Worcester area code. 

You can use them even if you don’t live in the area and there is really no difference between these virtual lines and the traditional ones. WeNumber can give you a great deal on such a virtual Worcester phone number. Don’t forget to get one by today!