Do you want to know about 0845 numbers? Here is a detailed guide on ‘what are 0845 numbers’ and other important information that you will find helpful regarding the same. You can also learn how to make free phone calls to 0845 numbers here.
Part 1: What Are 0845 Numbers?
0845 numbers are premium rate numbers that are used by companies all over the UK. 0845 numbers are expensive to call for customers, but they generate revenue for the company which is why most companies use them.
0845 call costs are divided into two parts- the continuous call charges and the service surcharges. The call charges are the general costs that you pay to your network provider for accessing their network.
The service surcharges are the costs that you will need to pay the company for using their service on the call. The service surcharge can vary between 0 to 7p per minute.
Part 2: What Are the Benefits of Using 0845 Numbers?
There are many benefits for the company which is using an 0845 number.
Since 0845 numbers are premium rate numbers, the companies benefit from these numbers a lot. Whenever a caller calls an 0845 number, the company earns a bit of the call costs.
Therefore, for companies which are providing services like call conferencing or ticket booking through phone calls, the 0845 numbers create the main revenue that is the goal of the company.
This is why 0845 numbers are used extensively by companies which provide services on phone calls.
Part 3: Can Everyone Use an 0845 Number?
No, an 0845 number cannot be used by everyone or for every purpose. Ofcom has put some restrictions on the use of 0845 numbers to make sure that the customers are not charged unreasonably without their consent.
Ofcom also prohibits the use of 0845 numbers for use of customer care lines. This is so that customers do not feel that they are being taken advantage of, by paying higher call costs for making complaints to a company’s customer care.
Although it is not free to call an 0845 numbers, they can still be used by a company for the purpose of information lines, or for providing services through the phone calls like those mentioned above.
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Part 4: Get an 0845 Number for Your Business Here
If you are looking to get your own 0845 number, the best way to do it is to get an 0845 number from WeNumber.
WeNumber is a virtual phone number provider that lets you choose a phone number of your own choice. You can decide the number code that you want and even the other digits of your phone number.
Unlike other network providers, WeNumber does not ask you to wait for days and weeks to get your phone number activated. The number that you buy from WeNumber is activated instantly.
Further, the pricing plans of WeNumber are cheaper than any other that you will find online or offline. Therefore, get your 0845 number from WeNumber without second thoughts now.
Part 5: FAQs
Here are some questions that generally come in the mind of people concerning 0845 numbers. You might find your doubts solved here as well:
1. What to do when I get a missed call from an 0845 number?
It is a good idea not to return calls from 0845 numbers. This is because 0845 numbers are also used by scammers in missed call scams, so that you call them back and they earn money out of it.
2. Can I use an 0845 number for my business complaint line?
No, an 0845 number is not allowed to be used for business complaint line purposes.
3. Can I use an 0845 number for a pre-sales information line?
Yes, the use of an 0845 number for pre-sales information lines is completely allowed.
4. Can I use an 0845 number for a post-sales information line?
Post sales information lines fall in the customer care category. Therefore, use of an 0845 number for this purpose is not allowed in the UK.
5. Are 0845 numbers the same as freephone numbers?
Most people are confused between 0800 numbers and 0845 numbers because both of these start with ‘08’. However, 0845 numbers are not freephone numbers like the 0800 numbers.
Wrapping Up
Now you know all about 0845 numbers, what they are, and who is using them in the UK. You also know the cases in which you are allowed to use an 0845 number. If you are looking to buy an 0845 number, I suggest that you check out WeNumber’s features right away.