How Much Does It Cost to Call 0203 Numbers?

0203 numbers cost is a major query online. So many types of numbers exist, each of them being used for a different purpose and is charged differently by every phone company.

Some are included in the free minutes allowance, some are not. It is hardly surprising if you are confused.

At WeNumber, we have taken it up to solve your myriad queries regarding different number prefixes. This will not just increase your awareness, but also help you choose the most optimum phone plan for yourself or your business.

In this article, we will be exploring 0203 numbers, and answering various questions like what are 0203 numbers, where is 0203 number used, 0203 cost, etc.

Part 1: What are 0203 Numbers?

All numbers that begin with 02 are of the geographical type, i.e. they are associated with some defined areas in the United Kingdom. Thus, callers can make out where they are receiving such calls.

Phone numbers starting with the prefix of 020 such as 0203 number belong to London and its surrounding areas. 020 is London’s area code and any number beginning with this can be used anywhere in London.

As such, all phone numbers that begin with 02, be it 0203, 0204, 0207, 0208, etc. behave similarly. The only difference is when these numbers began to be issued to the public – use of 0203 started around 2005 once landline demand exploded in London.

Going forward, let’s understand various aspects related to 0203 cost.

Part 2: Are 0203 Numbers Free?

Is 0203 a free number? How much do 0203 numbers cost to call?

This is a commonly searched query as most people are unclear about 0203 cost.

0203 numbers are free to call as long as it is within your phone plan’s inclusive minute allowance. Once you have exhausted your applicable free limit, you will be charged by your phone company at a pre-decided rate.

Let’s look into these 0203 numbers in the next section.

Part 3: Cost of Phoning 0203 Numbers

The cost of calling 02 numbers varies according to which network operator and phone plan you are using. Sometimes, it also depends on the day and time of the call. 0203 cost is also as per other 02 numbers cost.

We will now see how much 0203 numbers cost for different phone companies.

Tesco Mobile

For monthly paying customers, 02 numbers’ costs are generally included in your free call allowance. Beyond these free minutes limit, Tesco levies charges at 25p per minute.

For people on Pay as You Go plan also, the rate is the same as 25p a minute, calculated second-wise. Added to this, Tesco will apply a connection charge of 10p.

Three Mobile

0203 call charges, like any other 02 number, are included in your free minutes. However, once you exhaust this limit, you will have to pay.

If you are enrolled in Three’s Essential and Advanced plan, the cost of 0203 numbers for calls from within the UK is 35p per minute. For Three’s Pay as You Go users, the rate is only 3 pence per minute.


Calls to 0203 numbers are free as long as you do not exceed the free minutes allotted in your plan. After this, you will be charged at the rate of 55 pence per minute.

BT Landline

BT has various phone plans which allow its users to call a 02 number, such as a 0203 number, free of cost, say during the evenings, weekends, or for shorter calls within 60 minutes.

If you have exhausted your plan’s advantages or you are calling at chargeable times, then you will incur a charge. BT’s going rate for 0203 numbers is 13 pence per minute, along with a base call connection charge of 22 pence.

For in-depth details about 0203 numbers free limit and 0203 call charges by your phone company, please visit our website or check your phone agreement.

Part 4: Advantages of Using Phone Number 0203 for Business

When you are setting up or expanding a business, you will definitely research on which phone number to purchase.

Now that we have understood in detail about 0203 costs, we know that it is in the free minute allowance for most operators. Hence, people generally don’t hesitate before calling these numbers.

Note that some people have confusion pertaining to these numbers. You are not only able to use them if you are a business. These numbers are equally common among business and personal phone owners in London. So even personal use can be entertained.

Also, note that many people believe 0203 numbers are associated with frauds. Let that not deter you from purchasing such a number for your business.

There is no reason to be more or less suspicious of seeing a 0203 number. Almost one-third of London uses 0203 numbers and it is impractical to put all of them in a suspicious category.

Prefer VoIP services? We’ve got your back. 0203 numbers, like any other 02 numbers, can be used for voice over the internet or virtual phone number services. You can also use them to transfer calls to other parts of the UK, foreign destinations, etc.

Also, note that all numbers beginning with 02 can be assigned to any area in London. Before 2000, the outer and inner parts of London did have different numbers assigned, but this is not the case anymore.

There are other advantages to a business as well. For example, as it is related to the capital city of the UK, it gives your business a respectable first impression and worldwide recognition.

Not just this, but you can also use telephone number 0203 as a virtual number for your organization. Thus, 0203 number is preferred by many companies even if they cannot afford to physically set up their business in London.


We hope we have successfully answered your queries regarding 0203 phone numbers and 0203 cost mechanisms.

At WeNumber, it is our mission to help you navigate the complex world of phone numbers, phone companies, and their various plans and charges. We’ll try to solve your queries in advance so that you never encounter any avoidable unpleasant shock in your phone bills.

WeNumber also offers convenient and high-class virtual phones for our business clients. If you wish to buy a 0203 number for your business, WeNumber can help you by offering comparatively cheaper prices than the industry.