0191 Area Code

0191 numbers are quite popular in the UK. They cover a large region, with many landline subscribers. If you search the 0191 area code, you will find it’s assigned to Newcastle Upon Tyne but also many other important locations around it, like Durham or Sunderland. 

This guide will give you all the important facts on the 0191 area code UK, including costs and other interesting pieces of information.

Part 1: What Is 0191 Area Code?

This is actually one of the larger area codes in the UK. Area code 0191 generally stands for the Tyneside region. These are the major towns: Sunderland, Newcastle upon Tyne, Durham and Gateshead. There are also other areas sharing this code.

You can trace a call from this area more exactly by looking at the next digit after the 0191 area code. Here is how you do it:

  • 2, 4 and 6 are for Tyneside
  • 3 is for Durham
  • 5 is for Sunderland

Newcastle upon Tyne is probably the source of most calls from this area. It’s one of the most iconic cities in England, and it used to be famous for its shipbuilding industry. With a population of almost 270,000, it has quite a large number of landline subscribers.

The previous code for the Newcastle upon Tyne area was 091. It was changed in April 1995, during the event called PhONEday.

It transformed all the area codes in the UK to increase the volume of available numbers. The ‘big number change’ brought the 0191 numbers that are still in use today.

Part 2: How to Dial 0191 Area Code Within and Outside of the UK?

A 0191 number is used like any other geographic number in the UK. If you are calling from outside the region but are still in the country, you need to add the 0191 area code in front of the local number. 

When you use the 0191 dialling code from abroad, you need to follow these steps:

  1. First, dial the international access code.
  2. Second, enter the country code, which is 44 for the UK.
  3. Then, use the 0191 area code, but without the 0.
  4. Finally, dial the local number.

Part 3: Calling Cost of 0191 Area Code

0191 numbers are standard landlines, so the cost for calling them are quite low. It depends on the type of device you are using. 

If you call from a landline, you should expect a rate of about 10p per minute. But if you keep in mind the intervals set by your provider, you could even call for free. Free calls and reduced costs are normally applied in the evening and on weekends.

If you call a 0191 number from a mobile phone, costs depend on your mobile provider. They are normally between 10p and 40p per minute. But your contract probably includes free calls and reduced charges under certain conditions.


If you are getting a call starting with 0191 area code, it could be from somewhere in the Tyneside area. It includes Newcastle upon Tyne or one of the many towns and villages in the area. 

But an 0191 area code could also be assigned to a virtual phone, even if the user lives in another region. For a business trying to take on the market in a new area, it’s a great option, because clients are more open to local businesses. 

At WeNumber, you can get the area code you need on a virtual line, with extremely affordable costs.