01382 Area Code

If you don’t know where a call with the 01382 area code comes from, it’s the Dundee region, in Scotland.

If you also want to call someone in that area, it’s a good idea to go through this guide first. It will tell you everything you need to know about the Dundee phone code, how to dial it correctly and what the costs will be, along with some interesting facts on the Derby region.

Part 1: What Is 01382 Area Code?

If you want to call a number from the Dundee telephone directory, you will have to dial the 01382 area code first. It’s the Dundee area code, and it covers the city as well as many locations around it, in Eastern Scotland.

The 01382 area code needs to be used for the following locations: Auchterhouse, Broughty Ferry, Claverhouse, Dundee, Gauldry, Invergowrie, Kellas, Lochee, Longforgan, Monifieth, Muirhead, Newbigging, Newport-on-Tay, Tayport and Tealing.

Dundee phone numbers have had the 01382 area code since 1995. Before that, the dialing code was 382. In April 1995 there was an event called PhONEday that changed the format for all the area codes in England

They added the trunk code 0 and the number ‘1’ before the rest of the area code. This measure was to solve the problem of available phone numbers, which were getting scarce all over the country.

Local Dundee phone numbers are 6-digit long, so the current format is (01382) XXX XXX.

Part 2: Dialing 01382 Area Code Within and Outside of UK

There is no difference between the dialing method for the Dundee phone code and the rest of the geographic numbers in the UK. But it depends on where you are calling from. 

Local calls within the Dundee area don’t require the code if you are calling from a landline. But if you call from a mobile phone area code is mandatory. You need to dial the full number from a mobile, including the 01382 area code, even if you are in Dundee.

If you call from a landline and you are in another region of England, using the Dundee phone code in the front is also necessary. 

When you want to call Dundee phone numbers from abroad, follow the next steps:

  1. Enter the international access code.
  2. Next, dial the country code, which is 44 for the UK.
  3. Then, enter the 01382 area code, minus the 0. 
  4. Finally, dial the local number.

Part 3: How Much Does Calling 01382 Area Code Cost?

When you use the 01382 area code for a phone call, you pay the standard cost to a landline. But it depends on the type of phone you are using.

If you call from a landline, the normal rate is 10p per minute. But there are certain hours when you can call cheaper or even free. That’s usually in the evening and on weekends.

When you are calling from a mobile, the cost depends on your provider. The usual price is between 10p and 40p per minute, but you probably have reduced rates and even free calls included in the contract.

Sum Up

The 01382 area code is assigned to Derby by the Office of Communications. You need to use it if you call Dundee phone numbers or you can link it to a virtual phone and get a Dundee number of your own even if you live elsewhere. 

Virtual lines are particularly useful for companies that are trying to expand to a new area. So, if you want to bring your business to Dundee, get the virtual code from WeNumber at the most affordable price.