01204 Area Code

Did you get a call from 01204 number and want to know which area it belongs to? Are you curious about the history behind the development of 01204? Do you want to get your contact number with 01204 area code? Well,this article is here to help you with that.

Part 1: What Is 01204 Area Code?

Before going into details of 01204, let’s first understand why we need area codes. Can we think of a country with no area code at all? How difficult would it be to direct each call? Is it even possible? Well, the honest answer NO! it’s not practically possible.

Different regions in the UK have been allotted unique area codes which allows better management of the telephonic communication traffic. Area codes divide the whole network into smaller regions, so that each server works efficiently without being overburdened.

For 01204 area code, it corresponds to Bolton which is located in Lancashire county. All the areas which can be accessed through the 01204 area code are Turton, Farnworth, Astley Bridge, Daubhill, Tottington, Belmont Village, Higher Bolton and Horwich.

All the calls made to and from Bolton region should include 01204 in their prefix. So, when was this area code assigned to Bolton?

Before 1995, the area code for Bolton was 0204. In April 1995, the PhONEday saw the revamp of telephonic codes of the UK. This was the time when Bolton got its new code that is 01204.

You would have noticed that only a ‘1’ was added to this new code. That is the only difference between the old and the new code of Bolton.

Part 2: Dialing 01204 area code in the UK and From Abroad

How can you call your friends in Bolton? How can you get in touch with your business colleagues in Bolton? Which numbers to dial and how? How can you dial these numbers without getting your calls into spam folders?

To call a landline number in Bolton from any part of the UK, you will need to dial 01204 before the local number. For example, if the landline number you are trying to reach is 987 3354, the dial list should have (01204) 987 3354 on it.

However, if the number you are calling has the same (01204) area code like you have, then you don’t need to enter the 01204 code. Just dial the number.

If you want to dial Bolton phone numbers from overseas, please following the below steps:

  1. First, enter the international access code.
  2. Second, dial the country code  44 for the UK.
  3. Next, enter the Bolton area code i.e. 1204 (Note it doesn’t have the trunk code)
  4. Finally, dial your desired local number.

For example, if you are trying to dial the Bolton number 987 3354, you will have to follow this format: 00 44 1204 987 3354.

Part 3: How Much Does Calling an 01204 Area Code Cost?

Different network companies provide different call packages, facilities and free minutes. But the range of cost of calling for most of these companies still remains the same.

For mobile phones the rate of call is between 30p-50p per minute of the call and for landlines it is from 10p-20p per minute. It should be kept in the mind that if the call is to an international number, extra charges will apply.

Do you know that you can call the 01204 area numbers at a much lower price? Yes. You can use virtual numbers provided by WeNumber to remarkably decrease your call charges.

What Are Virtual Numbers?

Virtual numbers are internet based network connections that can be used to connect with existing mobile phones, landlines, office contact addresses or even to your voicemail box. Some of the prominent benefits of having a virtual 01204 number are:

  • You can avoid long-distance call rates by purchasing virtual numbers.
  • The virtual numbers may be very simple to remember since they don’t need to have county, extension or other codes included in them.
  • It will act as a virtual office for you at a remote location. Your local customers can easily get in touch with you without the need of any equipment, special software or hardware for it. Your internet connection is enough.
  • They are easy to purchase, cancel and manage. No long contracts, no tough subscription procedures. You can avail very instant Services.


Numbers with 01204 area code are quite popular in the Bolton area. So, if you want your Bolton customers to contact you more easily and reduce your communication costs, you could sign up for your favorite virtual number on WeNumber for better services.