Area Codes

WeNumber provides all the area codes in different cities in the UK. Check our articles to find a one that fulfill your needs.

01422 Area Code

01422 Area Code

Does 01422 area code have any physical representation? How many area codes belong to the Halifax area? What if we dial the wrong area...
0141 Area Code

0141 Area Code

An area code denotes the regional location of a phone number within the United Kingdom. The 0141 area code is for Glasgow and the...
0131 Area Code

0131 Area Code

All the numbers with 0131 area code in your phone book belong to a person or a business company located in Edinburgh and some...
01234 Area Code

01234 Area Code

Are you wondering why you should add an area code before dialing a local number from Bedford? Why can't you get in touch with...
0121 Area Code

0121 Area Code

0121 is the geographical code for Birmingham city in England. Did Birmingham always have this area code? What if we call a local number...
01204 Area Code

01204 Area Code

Did you get a call from 01204 number and want to know which area it belongs to? Are you curious about the history behind...
0117 Area Code

0117 Area Code

The area code identifies the regional location of a phone number and is compulsory for dialing a call to any area of the United...
0115 Area Code

0115 Area Code

Which area does the 0115 Area code belong to? And what is the purpose of assigning this area code? What is the history behind...
0114 Area Code

0114 Area Code

0014 is a 3-digit geographical number (excluding zero) used primarily in Sheffield and some nearby areas. Majority of calls that have 0114 in their...

Everything You Wanted to Know About 0345 Area Code

People often get calls from numbers starting with ‘0345’, and they start wondering where does the 0345 area code belong to? Well, 0345 code might...